Create a profile as a family.
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All your families information remains confidential until you are ready to share it.
Respite Now supports all ages and all abilities
Respite Now has workers who can offer a variety of services.
- Caregiver respite & support
- Supportive relationships
- Social inclusion and community participation
- Adaptive living skills: work, volunteer, independence, social and leisure
You have access to 100s of verified workers
- Individualized: focused on matching by availability and suitability
- Inclusive; caregiver and person centred
- Promotes autonomy and choice
- Variety of support options: types, amount, duration, frequency and preferences
Respite Now is a connecting tool that connects families and verified workers together. We verify all the workers’ credentials; you pick who is right for you and your family.
- Better matching = successful helping relationships: longevity, consistency, attendance and enjoyment
- Confidential and respectful of privacy
- Verified workers: education, credentials and experience
- Timely and responsive: matches happen immediately after activating a profile